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About Us

Our Story

Intrinsic was founded not just to be another business in the IT industry, but as a response to the real struggles I’ve witnessed among small business owners over my 17-plus years in IT. Our mission is to offer genuine support to help these businesses thrive without imposing financial strain. We’ve seen how unfairly some companies are charged, and with my ongoing experience in the field, I recognize the undue advantage taken by others. At Intrinsic, our commitment is to support our clients first and foremost. We adapt our services to meet each client’s unique needs and financial circumstances. Our aim is to build lasting partnerships and work tirelessly to help your business succeed, because our success is tied directly to yours..” – Mike Serrano, CEO. 


We are driven by values

From day one, our values have been the cornerstone of how we operate. We continually ask ourselves, “Where can we assist? How can we assist?” Every interaction is an opportunity to explore the best solutions together. You bring the ideas; we bring the experience and capability. Let’s connect and start transforming plans into reality.



Mike Serrano

